Archive Search Software - Search Zip Files, Search CAB files
© Adrian Bhagat 1999-2014
Obtaining the InstallShield DLLs
In order to extract files from InstallShield CAB files, ZipScan needs some extra files (Dynamic Link Libraries, or DLLs), which are the property of InstallShield. Whether we are allowed to distribute these files is not clear, as distribution may be restricted even though the DLLs are included in the installation programs that are built by InstallShield software. We do not distribute them. However, they are available from other sources. To obtain and install the DLLs, please follow the instructions below.
You may also require these DLLs when performing searches as well as when extracting files. When ZipScan performs a text search, a version resource search, or a “recursively search archives” search, it needs to extract files from the archive it is searching. If you are searching InstallShield CAB files then the DLLs will be required.
There are two DLLs needed. ZD50149.DLL is required to extract from older version 5.0 IS CAB files. ZD51145.DLL is required for version 5.5, 6.0 and newer CAB files.
The instructions below refer to the “ZipScan Program Directory”. This is the folder in which you installed ZipScan – it is is usually “c:\program files\ZipScan\” unless you changed it during the installation. The DLLs need to be copied to this directory. Next time you run ZipScan, it will load these DLLs and extraction from IS CAB files will work.
How to obtain them
There are various methods of obtaining the DLLs. Try one of these:
- If you search Google for “i5comp” you should find a zip file ( or i5comp.exe) which contains both of these DLLs. Simply extract them from the zip files and copy them to your ZipScan program directory.
- Searching Google for “i6comp” should find a similar zip file, but this only contains ZD51145.DLL.
- If you have a version of the InstallShield software on your computer, look in its program folder (something like “c:\Program Files\InstallShield\”). There is a sub-folder called “Program”, which may include a DLL called ZDATAI51.DLL. If so, right-click this file and look at the properties. Click the version tab and look at the File Version. If the version is “” then copy the file to the ZipScan program directory and rename it ‘ZD50149.DLL”. If the version is “” or a later version such as “”, then copy the file to the ZipScan program directory and rename it ‘ZD51145.DLL”.
- If you start installing a piece of software that uses InstallShield, you may be told that it is preparing the InstallShield Wizard and then get to a screen that asks if you want to continue with the installation. At this point, you can press the Windows key and use the Start menu to open an Explorer window to find the DLL. The DLL used by the installation will probably have been extracted to a temporary folder. It may be in “C:\windows\temp” or “c:\winnt\temp” or in your user temporary folder (Click Start->Run and enter “%temp%” to open this). It may be in a subdirectory of these folders called “_ISTMP0.DIR”. If you find it, follow the instructions in method 3 above to use it in ZipScan. Newer installations built with InstallShield may not contain the DLL at all.